Source code for tradehub.public_blockchain_client

from typing import Union, List, Optional
from tradehub.decentralized_client import NetworkCrawlerClient

[docs]class PublicBlockchainClient(NetworkCrawlerClient): """ This class allows the user to interact with the TradeScan API including information available with validators, tokens, delegators, addresses, and blockchain stats. """ def __init__(self, network: str = "testnet", trusted_ips: Union[None, list] = None, trusted_uris: Union[None, list] = None, is_websocket_client: bool = False): """ Create a public client using IP:Port or URI format. Example:: public_client = PublicClient(trusted_ips=[""]) # or use uri method public_client = PublicClient(trusted_uris=[""]) :param node_ip: ip address off a tradehub node. :param node_port: prt off a tradehub node, default 5001. :param uri: URI address off tradehub node. """ if trusted_ips and trusted_uris: raise ValueError("Use IP's or URI's, not both!") NetworkCrawlerClient.__init__(self, network=network, trusted_ip_list=trusted_ips, trusted_uri_list=trusted_uris, is_websocket_client=is_websocket_client)
[docs] def get_all_validators(self) -> List[dict]: """ Get all validators. This includes active, unbonding and unbonded validators. Example:: public_client.get_all_validators() The expected return result for this function is as follows:: [ { "OperatorAddress":"swthvaloper1vwges9p847l9csj8ehrlgzajhmt4fcq4dmg8x0", "ConsPubKey":"swthvalconspub1zcjduepqcufdssqqfycjwz2srp42tytrs7gtdkkry9cpspea3zqsjzqd2tps73pr63", "Jailed":false, "Status":2, "Tokens":"22414566.55131922", "DelegatorShares":"22414566.55131922", "Description":{ "moniker":"Devel \u0026 Co", "identity":"c572aef1818379c38996878357c321398165fcf0", "website":"", "security_contact":"", "details":"..."}, "UnbondingHeight":0, "UnbondingCompletionTime":"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Commission":{ "commission_rates":{ "rate":"0.004200000000000000", "max_rate":"0.200000000000000000", "max_change_rate":"0.010000000000000000" }, "update_time":"2020-11-27T20:25:33.45991154Z" }, "MinSelfDelegation":"1", "ConsAddress":"swthvalcons1pqnlj0na6k8u9y27j3elrx584mt3380dal0j9s", "ConsAddressByte":"0827F93E7DD58FC2915E9473F19A87AED7189DED", "WalletAddress":"swth1vwges9p847l9csj8ehrlgzajhmt4fcq4sd7gzl", "BondStatus":"bonded" }, ... ] .. warning:: The response from this endpoint uses different types off name conventions! For example 'MinSelfDelegation' and 'max_change_rate'. .. warning:: This endpoint returns numbers as string(eg. "volume":"2100") or integer(eg. "resolution":5) :return: list with validators. """ return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_all_validators')
[docs] def get_block(self, block_nbr: int = 1): return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/blocks/{}'.format(block_nbr))
[docs] def get_block_time(self) -> str: """ Get the block time in format HH:MM:SS.ZZZZZZ. Example:: public_client.get_block_time() The expected return result for this function is as follows:: "00:00:02.190211" .. warning:: This endpoint returns only a string. :return: block time as string. """ return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_block_time')
[docs] def get_blocks(self, before_id: Optional[int] = None, after_id: Optional[int] = None, order_by: Optional[str] = None, swth_valcons: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None) -> List[dict]: """ Get latest blocks or request specific blocks. Example:: public_client.get_blocks() The expected return result for this function is as follows:: [ { "block_height":"6103923", "time":"2021-01-09T14:15:53.071509+01:00", "count":"1", "proposer_address":"swthvalcons17m2ueqqqt8u0jz4rv5kvk4kg0teel4sckytjlc" }, { "block_height":"6103922", "time":"2021-01-09T14:15:50.824548+01:00", "count":"0", "proposer_address":"swthvalcons1zecfdrf22f6syz8xj4vn8jsvsalxdhwl9tlflk" }, ... ] .. warning:: This endpoint is not well documented in official documents. The parameters are NOT required. :param before_id: Before block height(exclusive). :param after_id: After block height(exclusive). :param order_by: Not specified yet. :param swth_valcons: Switcheo tradehub validator consensus starting with 'swthvalcons1' on mainnet and 'tswthvalcons1' on testnet. :param limit: Limit the responded result. Values greater than 200 have no effect and a maximum off 200 results are returned. :return: List with found blocks matching the requested parameters. Can be empty list []. """ api_params = { "before_id": before_id, "after_id": after_id, "order_by": order_by, "proposer": swth_valcons, "limit": limit } return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_blocks', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_commitment_curve(self): return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_commitment_curve')
[docs] def get_distribution_parameters(self): return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/distribution/parameters')
[docs] def get_inflation_start_time(self): return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_inflation_start_time')
[docs] def get_insurance_fund_balance(self): """ .. warning:: This endpoint is not working yet. :return: """ # TODO result currently [] return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_insurance_balance')
[docs] def get_latest_blocks(self): return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/blocks/latest')
[docs] def get_liquidity_pools(self): return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_liquidity_pools')
[docs] def get_liquidations(self, before_id: int, after_id: int, order_by: str, limit: int): """ .. warning:: This endpoint is not working yet. :param before_id: :param after_id: :param order_by: :param limit: :return: """ # TODO result currently not available api_params = { "before_id": before_id, "after_id": after_id, "order_by": order_by, "limit": limit } return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_liquidations', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_market(self, market: str) -> dict: """ Get information about a market. Example:: public_client.get_market("swth_eth1") The expected return result for this function is as follows:: { "type":"", "name":"swth_eth1", "display_name":"SWTH_ETH", "description":"SWTH/ETH Spot Market", "market_type":"spot", "base":"swth", "base_name":"Switcheo", "base_precision":8, "quote":"eth1", "quote_name":"Ethereum", "quote_precision":18, "lot_size":"1", "tick_size":"0.0000001", "min_quantity":"200", "maker_fee":"-0.0005", "taker_fee":"0.0025", "risk_step_size":"0", "initial_margin_base":"1", "initial_margin_step":"0", "maintenance_margin_ratio":"0", "max_liquidation_order_ticket":"0", "max_liquidation_order_duration":0, "impact_size":"0", "mark_price_band":0, "last_price_protected_band":0, "index_oracle_id":"", "expiry_time":"1970-01-01T01:00:00+01:00", "is_active":true, "is_settled":false, "closed_block_height":0, "created_block_height":0 } .. warning:: This endpoint is not well documented in official documents. The example market swth_eth does not exist on mainnet. The correct market ticker is 'swth_eth1'. See get_markets() for correct tickers. .. warning:: This endpoint returns numbers as string(eg. "lot_size":"1") or integer(eg. "base_precision":8). .. warning:: This endpoint returns the same dict structure even the market does not exist with default values! :param market: Market ticker used by blockchain (eg. swth_eth1). :return: """ api_params = { "market": market, } return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_market', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_market_stats(self, market: Optional[str] = None) -> List[dict]: """ Get statistics about one or all markets. Example:: public_client.get_market_stats() The expected return result for this function is as follows:: [ { "day_high":"0.0000215", "day_low":"0.000021", "day_open":"0.0000211", "day_close":"0.0000212", "day_volume":"436030", "day_quote_volume":"9.2787298", "index_price":"0", "mark_price":"0", "last_price":"0.00212000", "market":"swth_eth1", "market_type":"spot", "open_interest":"0" } ... ] :param market: Market ticker used by blockchain (eg. swth_eth1). :return: List with market stats as dict """ api_params = { "market": market } return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_market_stats', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_markets(self, market_type: Optional[str] = None, is_active: Optional[bool] = None, is_settled: Optional[bool] = None) -> List[dict]: """ Get all markets or filter markets. Example:: public_client.get_markets() The expected return result for this function is as follows:: [ { "type":"", "name":"swth_eth1", "display_name":"SWTH_ETH", "description":"SWTH/ETH Spot Market", "market_type":"spot", "base":"swth", "base_name":"Switcheo", "base_precision":8, "quote":"eth1", "quote_name":"Ethereum", "quote_precision":18, "lot_size":"1", "tick_size":"0.0000001", "min_quantity":"200", "maker_fee":"-0.0005", "taker_fee":"0.0025", "risk_step_size":"0", "initial_margin_base":"1", "initial_margin_step":"0", "maintenance_margin_ratio":"0", "max_liquidation_order_ticket":"0", "max_liquidation_order_duration":0, "impact_size":"0", "mark_price_band":0, "last_price_protected_band":0, "index_oracle_id":"", "expiry_time":"1970-01-01T01:00:00+01:00", "is_active":true, "is_settled":false, "closed_block_height":0, "created_block_height":0 }, ... ] .. warning:: This endpoint returns numbers as string(eg. "lot_size":"1") or integer(eg. "base_precision":8) :param market_type: type of the market can be 'futures' or 'spot' :param is_active: if only active markets should be returned :param is_settled: if only settled markets should be returned :return: List with returned market stats as dict """ if market_type and market_type not in ['futures', 'spot']: raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'market_type' only can be 'futures' or 'spot'. Got {market_type} instead.") api_params = { "market_type": market_type, "is_active": is_active, "is_settled": is_settled } return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_markets', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_nodes(self) -> dict: """ """ # TODO no results yet available return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/monitor')
[docs] def get_oracle_result(self, oracle_id: str): """ .. warning:: This endpoint is not working yet. :param oracle_id: :return: """ # TODO no results yet available api_params = { "id": oracle_id } return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_oracle_result', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_oracle_results(self): """ .. warning:: This endpoint is not working yet. :return: """ # TODO no results yet available return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_oracle_results')
[docs] def get_prices(self, market: Optional[str]) -> dict: """ Get prices off a market. Example:: public_client.get_prices("swth_eth1") The expected return result for this function is as follows:: { "last":"207000", "index":"0", "fair":"0", "mark":"0", "mark_avg":"0", "settlement":"0", "fair_index_delta_avg":"0", "market":"", "marking_strategy":"", "index_updated_at":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "last_updated_at":"2021-01-09T22:50:59.068526+01:00", "block_height":0 } .. warning:: This endpoint is not well documented in official documents. Parameter 'market' is NOT required, but strongly recommended. The return result has an empty 'market' field. .. warning:: This endpoint returns amounts which are NOT human readable values. Consider 'base_precision' and 'quote_precision' to calculate a multiplication factor = 10 ^ ('base_precision' - 'quote_precision') .. warning:: This endpoint returns numbers as string(eg. "last":"207000") or integer(eg. "block_height":0) .. warning:: This endpoint returns a result even if the market is not known. Result contains default values. :param market: Market ticker used by blockchain (eg. swth_eth1). :return: Prices as dict """ api_params = { "market": market } return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_prices', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_reward_curve(self): return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_reward_curve')
[docs] def get_rich_list(self, token: str): """ .. warning:: This endpoint is not working yet. :param token: :return: """ # TODO responses currently not available api_params = { "token": token } return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_rich_list', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_staking_pool(self): return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/staking/pool')
[docs] def get_status(self) -> dict: """ Return cosmos RPC status endpoint. Example:: public_client.get_status() The expected return result for this function is as follows:: { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": -1, "result": { "node_info": { "protocol_version": { "p2p": "7", "block": "10", "app": "0" }, "id": "f4cee80e4dec5a686139cb82729118e15f7ce19c", "listen_addr": "tcp://", "network": "switcheo-tradehub-1", "version": "0.33.7", "channels": "4020212223303800", "moniker": "Devel Sentry Node 2", "other": { "tx_index": "on", "rpc_address": "tcp://" } }, "sync_info": { "latest_block_hash": "4A2C89C105D7864AA74C9DE4752AF5B59E96045EBAF984C69DD447C4524EC36F", "latest_app_hash": "773651392EEDBFF6AEE088F76E7D75F2932B4D9F74CA27D568F706ADFC12B174", "latest_block_height": "6119142", "latest_block_time": "2021-01-09T22:18:52.722611018Z", "earliest_block_hash": "B4AF1F3D3D3FD5795BDDB7A6A2E6CA4E34D06338505D6EC46DD8F99E72ADCDAB", "earliest_app_hash": "", "earliest_block_height": "1", "earliest_block_time": "2020-08-14T07:32:27.856700491Z", "catching_up": false }, "validator_info": { "address": "DCB03C204B7F94765B4ADCE1D8BEE88AA43AE811", "pub_key": { "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519", "value": "1GmDSymN6jTqQlZA2KeyzqknIncGMMrwnnas/DWGNOI=" }, "voting_power": "0" } } } :return: Status as dict """ return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_status')
[docs] def get_transaction_types(self) -> List[str]: """ Get transaction types used by tradehub. Example:: public_client.get_transaction_types() The expected return result for this function is as follows:: [ "submit_proposal", "create_pool", "set_reward_curve", "send", ... ] :return: List with transaction types as strings. """ return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_transaction_types')
[docs] def get_transactions_fees(self): gas_fees = self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_txns_fees') fees = {} for gas_fee in gas_fees["result"]: fees[gas_fee["msg_type"]] = gas_fee["fee"] return fees
[docs] def get_token(self, denom) -> dict: """ Get information about a token. Example:: public_client.get_token("swth") The expected return result for this function is as follows:: { "name":"Switcheo", "symbol":"swth", "denom":"swth", "decimals":8, "blockchain":"neo", "chain_id":4, "asset_id":"32e125258b7db0a0dffde5bd03b2b859253538ab", "is_active":true, "is_collateral":false, "lock_proxy_hash":"17d0f66eca7fcbfddc8d9706f20513bf5d7419cd", "delegated_supply":"100000000000000000", "originator":"swth1mw90en8tcqnvdjhp64qmyhuq4qasvhy25dpmvw" } .. warning:: This endpoint returns numbers as string(eg. "delegated_supply":"100000000000000000") or integer(eg. "decimals":8) :param denom: Denom used by tradehub. :return: Information about token as dict. """ api_params = { "token": denom } return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_token', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_tokens(self) -> List[dict]: """ Get all known tokens on tradehub chain. Example:: public_client.get_tokens() The expected return result for this function is as follows:: [ { "name":"Switcheo", "symbol":"swth", "denom":"swth", "decimals":8, "blockchain":"neo", "chain_id":4, "asset_id":"32e125258b7db0a0dffde5bd03b2b859253538ab", "is_active":true, "is_collateral":false, "lock_proxy_hash":"17d0f66eca7fcbfddc8d9706f20513bf5d7419cd", "delegated_supply":"100000000000000000", "originator":"swth1mw90en8tcqnvdjhp64qmyhuq4qasvhy25dpmvw" }, ... ] .. warning:: This endpoint returns numbers as string(eg. "delegated_supply":"100000000000000000") or integer(eg. "decimals":8) :return: List with tokens as dict """ return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_tokens')
[docs] def get_token_details(self) -> dict: tokens = self.get_tokens() tokens_details = {} for token in tokens: if token["is_active"]: tokens_details[token["denom"]] = { 'name': token["name"], 'symbol': token["symbol"], 'decimals': token["decimals"], } return tokens_details
[docs] def get_top_r_profits(self, market: str, limit: int): """ .. warning:: This endpoint is not working yet. :param market: :param limit: :return: """ # TODO responses currently not available api_params = { "market": market, "limit": limit } return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_top_r_profits', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_total_balances(self): """ .. warning:: This endpoint is not working yet. :return: """ # TODO responses currently not available return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_total_balances')
[docs] def get_validator_delegations(self, operator_address): return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/staking/validators/{}/delegations'.format(operator_address))
[docs] def get_validator_public_nodes(self): public_nodes = {} tradehub_state = self.get_tradehub_monitor() for validator in tradehub_state: public_nodes[validator["moniker"]] = validator["ip"] return public_nodes
[docs] def get_validator_public_node_ips(self): public_node_ips = [] nodes_dict = self.get_validator_public_nodes() for key in nodes_dict.keys(): public_node_ips.append(nodes_dict[key]) return public_node_ips
[docs] def get_validator_missed_blocks(self): validators_missed_blocks = {} validators_signing_info = self.get_validator_signing_info()["result"] for validator_signing_info in validators_signing_info: validators_missed_blocks[validator_signing_info["address"]] = validator_signing_info["missed_blocks_counter"] return validators_missed_blocks
[docs] def get_validator_signing_info(self, limit: int = 100): api_params = {} api_params["limit"] = limit return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/slashing/signing_infos', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_validators(self, status: str = None): api_params = {} if status is not None and status in ["unbonding", "unbonded"]: api_params["status"] = status return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/staking/validators', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_vault_types(self) -> list: """ :param token: :return : """ # TODO responses currently not an empty list return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_vault_types')
[docs] def get_vaults(self, swth_address: str) -> dict: api_params = { "address": swth_address, } return self.tradehub_get_request(path='/get_vaults', params=api_params)